Welcome Home Drop Zone

During this stay-at-home-forever-year-that-never-ends-when-will-this-be-over, I’ve been working on lots of DIY projects that have been on my to-do list. Our family TV room is situated in the back of the house, with an entrance that opens directly into the room. Since this is the door that our friends and family use when they visit (remember when people used to come over to your house and hang out?), I try to keep it tidy and neat. So many times, I have wished for a mud room to be able to remove snowy or muddy boots & shoes, coats, scarves and of course, masks. Over the years, I’ve tried baskets and shelves and benches, but somehow it always looked messy. So, adding an antique workbench to the entry was the perfect solution!

It offers lots of storage and looks great, but when I moved it into place initially, I thought it just looked rather small and plain against the painted wall.

So, since this is the room where I had previously installed the ship-lap wall surrounding the fireplace, I figured, why not? You can never have too much shiplap, amiright? The install was pretty simple, starting with measuring the width of the workbench, ensuring to leave enough clearance for the back door to fully open into the room. Nothing worse than trying to open a door, only to find it blocked half-way!

The shiplap I chose for both projects was from Lowes.

You can read the full DIY instructions in my previous post here. It is light weight and super easy to cut and install. That fireplace project took me many weeks, but this project took about 2 days to cut, install and add the hardware.

Once installed, I added an antique plank shelf on top-solely for decorative purposes-that I can change and arrange for the seasons. Love those antique white brackets!

Then I added vintage hooks to hold tote bags and scarves, gloves and anything else that would need to be hung to dry, plus a his & hers mask basket

and this cute little sign-a gift from my sister, because I was complaining that I kept forgetting them on my way out the door- no more! And once the mask-wearing finally comes to an end, and we certainly look forward to that day…we’ll just use it for other junk!

The workbench base was already the perfect shade of blue, so that remained untouched. The old worn top required a bit of TLC, so I used General Finishes Antique Wax in a medium brown shade called Scrub Pine. That same wax was used for the top and bottom shelves as well, to create a uniform look.

Paint on, wipe off, add a couple more coats and buff ’til it glows. We look at that antique plank of wood, and marvel at the scars from years of use in a basement workshop where we first discovered it.

Some people might look at it and think “what a mess”- we look at it and think “gorgeous”- happily saving a piece of history for another generation. It features a hand-hewn built-in trough, previously used to hold wood shavings and hardware, now useful for keys and glasses. There are hooks on the sides underneath…

previously used for tools, but now they’re for hanging umbrellas and purses. These drawers hold gloves and glasses, phone chargers and even a tape measure. Because, you know…”where’s the tape measure-we have like a dozen of them-where did they go?!”

Finally, there’s a shelf on the bottom where we store our shoes and boots in vintage crates.

Next to the workbench I added an old cabinet door chalkboard with lots of hooks for coats and sweatshirts to hang.

Obviously, I can’t write on it in chalk, because our coats would be a mess! But I could do a painted sign there. What should it say? Hang your coat seems rather obvious-any other clever ideas? So that’s it. One more project completed. It looks great and keeps everything neat and tidy by our back door. On to my next project…and praying for this pandemic to be over and masks to be a thing of the past.

Have a safe, Super (snowy) Sunday everyone! xoxoxo Sue


  1. What about “This is a Great Spot to Hang Out”. In the summer change it to something silly like “ Hang Ten” and add a Surf theme for your coat hook/ sign ? I really really like the work bench top. I will need to be on the look out for one.


  2. Looks awesome Sue! I love your style anyways…! How about painting the words “stay awhile” and just have a jacket, hat or sweater already hanging up like you have showing.

    I just did a “coffee bar” in my kitchen. I wanted less on my countertop for food prep. I have an old white, wide kitchen cupboard that sits on the floor that holds my bowls, casserole dishes etc. I picked that up years ago and to this day I still love it! I cleared the top off which had my varied cookbooks and moved them elsewhere. I wanted less on my kitchen counters so I consolidated coffee, tea, the powdered creamer in individual glass jars with chalk front labels. A small little basket for the HC and bought a couple new mugs and added the coffee maker. I had a shelf above already there and added a tin Home Sweet Home sign above it. It’s cute and helps with less on the counters! I think having time on our hands leads you to look at everything and how can you change it up! Stay safe!!!


    • You’re so right about having time on our hands-you actually take the time to look around and see what needs fixing. I wish I had a dedicated coffee bar- I just don’t have the space- but I did just buy one of those hanging racks for my Rae Dunn mugs. I have loved that “stay awhile” sign since I first spotted it on Pinterest. I might give that a try : )


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