Design & Decor with Redfin

Recently, I was contacted by the folks at Redfin, the real estate company, with an interesting request.

No, they didn’t want to sell my house for a million bucks…sigh. But, they were publishing a blog post entitled “How to Elevate Your Space with Design and Décor: 21 Must-Do’s” to help new homeowners navigate their way through the decorating process.

They asked if I would like to contribute some thoughts on my decorating process…in three sentences or less! Now, if you know me, you know I could chat for hours about the ins and outs of decorating and design, so three sentences seemed like an impossible task. I mulled it over for quite some time before I came up with my own personal formula:

1. When you enter a room, you should feel an emotional connection, not just a visual one.  Use what you already have on hand-an old cupboard or table, a collection of pottery or pictures that have special meaning for you, then build around that. For instance, in our newly redone dining room, I added this antique shoe rack and filled it with my blue pottery pieces that had been scattered throughout the house. Each piece holds its own special memory of a time and place in our lives, so when I look at them, I recall a birthday or anniversary, gifts from family, our old beloved dog Daisy or even a particular flea market or favorite “junk haunt”.

Check out the Redfin article to see what else I had to say! Interestingly enough, I shared a common view with many of the other 20 designers who were also quoted in this article: make it cozy, color can work wonders, mix and match styles, add natural elements and lots of light.

So, you ask, why is decorating important? I mean, with all the stuff going on in the world, certainly, there are more important things to think about than rug colors and furniture placement. Well, since this year has been so incredibly stressful and trying for oh, so many of us, it makes perfect sense to create spaces that give us peace, allow us to decompress at the end of the day and make us happy. Have a lovely Valentine’s Day, everyone! Keep smiling, keep dreaming, feel the love. xoxoxo Susan

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