A Whale’s Tale- The Reveal!

Here’s the story, about a Whale named Wally (well, it’s actually Wallace, but his “fins” and family call him Wally)  Back on the 4th of July, I started the D.I.M. project- Do. It. Myself. (Because If I Don’t, Who The Hell Else Will?!?)- I referred to as refurbishing Mr. Whale. Today, the reveal! That beat-up, barnacle-covered, down-in-the-spout old pine coffee table I picked up for $5.00 at a yard sale has a whole new look!!

After the whale -washing

the sanding 

then re-glueing and painting the base

taping  and striping

adding the stars

then re-sanding the edges and top and adding the antique glazing (this stuff is typically used for kitchen cabinets but when a whale needs a new coat, anything goes!) You paint it on…

then wipe it off-the more you leave, the darker the finished product.

Final step- polyurethaning  (I used water-based polyacrylic so it will remain clear and not yellow). I wanted to use a rub-on wax for a less shiny finish, but since Wally will be spending the majority of his time outdoors on the porch, he needed a strong, clear coat for protection. 

Wallace the Whale has a whole new life!

Pierce Brosnan (yup, 007 himself) once said: “We owe it to our children to be better stewards of the environment. The alternative? – a world without whales. It’s too terrible to imagine.” Along with tips from my recent “Saving Mother Earth” blog post, I’d like to think that I am doing my small part with my Three “R” principle: Re-Cycle, Re-Furbish, Re-Love. Most of the items on this porch wall were also re-claimed!Wally is a perfect example of what you can do with a little elbow grease and some imagination to re-love an object that might otherwise be headed for extinction. 

Now it’s a smooth sail for Mr. Whale! Time to tackle the couch…Susan


  1. Fabulous!!! Although we don’t live by the ocean(SLC, Utah) my daughter is in love with anything nautical. This darling table will be the perfect finishing touch for a makeover I am doing on her covered patio. She turns 27 and just bought her first home. I am decorating the patio as a surprise b-day gift. Can’t wait to see her face. Thanks so much!


  2. What an amazing transformation. So cute!!


  3. Susan you are amazing. First of all, what a great find and secondly what a fabulous project. I would love it if you would share this fab post at our WIW linky party. I hope you can join us!



  4. What a great makeover! I love Wally’s new outfit.


  5. Bethany says:

    OMW – just found this and I am in LOVE. Wally the Whale is amaZing!!! I really really want him!! (Wanna sell??? 🙂 )

    Love your porch too… is so up my alley I just want to move in.


    • Haha-nope, Bethany, although I am flattered that you are such a huge fan of Wally’s, he is not for sale. However, I am creating a master project
      plan with full instructions for DIY, so if you are interested let me know. I will add you to the “interested” list. Susan


      • Bethany says:

        Oh yes – I am definitely interested in being on the “interested” list. Thank you so much!!! And I have to tell you another funny fact, I read through your posting about trying out for an HGTV show. My hubs and I did the same thing for House Hunters. And by far the worst part of the “auditioning” process was the home video you have to shoot of yourself. We finally had to script it because we just couldn’t speak naturally off the cuff. What an experience!!


  6. Pat Asquith says:

    Love the whale! Love your porch! 🙂


  7. Marie Fogarty says:




  1. […] anyone that follows my blog knows that Coach and I love those majestic denizens of the deep blue sea. In taking a quick inventory in our home, I came across this beautiful hand-crafted whale cutting […]


  2. […] with the fishes” Here are a few accessorizing ideas…(we all know how much I adore whales : […]


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